Huib Huyse

Huib Huyse
hoofd onderzoeksgroep
Parkstraat 47 - bus 5300
3000 Leuven
lokaal: 03.13
tel: +32 16 32 31 28 - +32 16 32 04 58
mobile: +32 473 326 136


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Over Huib Huyse

Doctor in onderwijskunde

Prof. Dr. Huib Huyse is hoofd van de onderzoeksgroep duurzame ontwikkeling bij het Onderzoeksinstituut voor Werk en Samenleving (HIVA) van de KU Leuven. Een belangrijk deel van zijn onderzoek en evaluatiewerk is beleids- en praktijkgericht en behandelt opkomende trends binnen het mondiale ontwikkelingsvraagstuk en ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Thematisch specialiseerde hij zich de voorbije jaren onder meer in het verantwoorde globale waardeketens, de waardig werk agenda, de rol van het middenveld in ontwikkelingslanden, en citizen science. Hij behaalde een doctoraat aan het Centre for International Education van de University of Sussex (VK) in 2011. Tussen 1997 en 2007 werkte hij in verschillende posities voor een Belgische ontwikkelingsorganisatie, waaronder zes jaar als programmamanager in Zimbabwe. Hij is titularis van de leerstoel Waardig Werk en de SDG’s en doceert het vak ‘Labour governance in global value chains’ aan de KU Leuven.


query=user:U0013330 year:[2004 TO 2024] sresource_type:chapter&institution=lirias&from=1&step=20&sort=scdate
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  • chapter
    Huyse, Huib; 2013. Global Citizenship and Public Support: Urge, Facts and Concepts. The Drive to Global Citizenship. Motivating people, Mapping public support, Measuring effects of global education ; 2013; pp. 13 - 27 Publisher: Garant; Antwerpen/Apeldoorn
    Do we still believe in foreign aid and development education? As governments tend to cut down aid budgets and the public appears to take a more and more sceptical stand, not just the old way of campaigning is under pressure, but also the idea of the North helping the South as such. To materialize the hind-laying value of global solidarity in the present world, a radical re-thinking of the wornout concept of aid is required. Set against this paradox, this book explores the new notion of global citizenship and the challenges it represents. Self-contained chapters feature coverage of a range of issues: politics, opinion polls, education, the results agenda, private sustainability standards, framing messages for TV-broadcasting and the role of social media. As it is a long road to global citizenship, this book keeps you company for a part of the way.

  • chapter
    Van Ongevalle, Jan;Huyse, Huib;Deprez, Steff;Van Petegem, Peter;Chimbodza, Iris Jane-Mary; 2008. Promoting Stakeholder Participation in a Learning-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education. Volume 25 (2008) ; 2008; pp. 166 - 183 Publisher: Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa; Grahamstown, South Africa
    This research analysed monitoring and evaluation activities based on the Outcome Mapping methodology within the Zimbabwe Secondary Teacher Training Environmental Education Project (St2eep), an education for sustainability initiative in Zimbabwe. The majority of donorfunded environmental education programmes use conventional monitoring and evaluation approaches based on the logical frameworks (logframe) that guide the programme designs and management. Although research indicates significant problems with the implementation of these approaches, there are only a few documented examples of experiences with alternative monitoring and evaluation frameworks. The case of St2eep allowed us to compare three years of experiences with monitoring and evaluation based on the logframe, with two years of monitoring and evaluation based on Outcome Mapping. We evaluate how the project team and the donor organisation, VVOB (the Flemish Office for Development, Cooperation and Technical Assistance), have perceived the performance of Outcome Mapping with regards to the two main aims of monitoring and evaluation activities: accountability and learning. This is complemented with an analysis of monitoring documentation. The project team refers to the collaborative nature of monitoring and evaluation in St2eep, the principles of self-assessment and peer-assessment, combined with public recognition for project successes, as the key factors supporting learning and accountability through monitoring and evaluation in St2eep. The Outcome Mapping-based monitoring and evaluation system is shown to enhance ownership and participation of local stakeholders in the project’s monitoring and evaluation system.


